Sunday, January 8, 2012

YOU - The Wild Woman

                    Sun this morning. Taken from the balcony of our condo - promise of a new day

We need to create a name for our special program, our "all-inclusive" program of beauty, health, anti-aging, love - for women.

I'm currently reading, with a dear friend, the book Women Who Run With the Wolves - Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. This is not a new book; it's one of those timeless classics that is full of helpful insights. It is not a book that you sit down and read from front to back. It is a book in which you read one chapter, maybe even one sentence and sit back to think about what meaning the message has for you. It's heavy duty and very beneficial to read with a friend.

I feel like I have found my new wild woman and I'm untamed, untrained and crazy in the woods running full speed along no path in the pitch dark with a full moon, howling at that full moon like a fool. I am not kidding you. It's great.

Anyway, we need a name for this special program. Not "Super Sixty" or "Sexy Sixty" or anything boringly cliche-y. Something like "Finding Your Wild Woman" or "YOU - The Wild Woman" (Thank you Dr. Oz!! Do you know his books? YOU - On A Diet, You - Staying Young - he has a million of them and all so great). Let's call it YOU - The Wild Woman, at least for now.

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Rejuvenate Your Face

Here's a great way to give yourself a little acupressure face lift. It takes 2 minutes to do.

1. Sit comfortably
2. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths
3. Tap on the specific acupressure points in the video below
4. Take 3 more deep breaths

I do this every day in the steam room at the gym, in the shower at home, while I'm power walking or during my daily yoga or meditation session.

Watch this youtube video to see exactly where the points are. The video is short. The points are very easy to learn.!

You should tap on each point a minimum of 8 times. I usually tap about 10-12 times and do two rounds. I sometimes tap on just the head and face point and the point below the collar bones but..... it is better to use all the points.

These are the awesome benefits of tapping on these points -

* Rejuvenates your face

* Balances your energy system

 * Frees negative emotions  (It's part of an energy psychology program called Emotional Freedom Technique. I learned it from my friend and anti-aging doctor Terry Grossman).

* ENCOURAGES LYMPH FLOW. This is the main reason why I use this technique. It is good for breast health and for your overall immune health

Right now when I tap I use the points from the top of my head to below my breast and simply visualize myself on a beautiful mountaintop looking out at the sunrise and I'm just being there. Me and the big sky.

It sounds so corny - I am crazy corny right now. Being corny is part of morphing into this new time - turning 60 in less than a year.

By the way, this technique is not mumbo-jumbo; it really works. I've used it for 4 years, I've taught it to my clients and they have gotten wonderful results.

Email me if you have any questions.

In Peace,
Donna Rae
p.s. How's your wild woman feeling?

p.p.s.s. FYI - *Optional - Another thing you can do while tapping - If you are angry or depressed or anxious you can simply say to yourself as you tap- "No more anger" or whatever.

*Optional - Also you can use the Karate Chop he shows you at the beginning of the video to reverse your thinking - you can say, "Even though I've been angry, I still love and honor myself." 

Or you can simply tap to restore energy and revive your face. 


  1. I took a study break and resurrected my tapping! Haven't done this in years. Feels great!
    Meanwhile in case you have not seen this yet copied below is another great TED you tube, well worth watching and living into and well beyond our 60's...I'm aiming for 94...figure it will take me that long to polish off all my rough edges.Much love to you dear D-R, Lark

    TEDxIowaCity - Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria

  2. This is great content, Mom, thanks! On Sunday at YogaOnYork Yogalates, the instructor came around during Shavasana and did this intense face/ear massage on everyone & it was SO good. Not sure what the intention was really but maybe you do? The ear part was the most effective.
