Thursday, January 12, 2012

How's Your Heart Thumping?

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3 Important Things To Do To Take Care Of Your Heart

Today I’d like to spend a little time blogging about physical exercise. I’ve been exercising for many years. It is a habit. Why do I keep it up? Because when I exercise I feel great. My mood is good, I have lots of energy, I SLEEP BETTER, I feel strong and good about myself. Another reason is that when my beautiful, strong mother (who was 5’2”/110 pounds and could arm wrestle me to the ground in about 1 second when I was trying my damndest, she could do this when she was 83 years old!) turned 80 she began to have classic symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease. While she did not die from AD, it got progressively worse to where she didn’t know where she was or what she was doing (I caught her pooping in the laundry room and knew at that very moment she needed to be in a full time AD unit with caring people 24/7). There is scientific evidence that people who exercise have a reduced risk of AD. I would go out on the curb and stand on my head and wiggle my ears and scream “bla bla bla for 30 minutes every day if I thought it would keep me from getting that terribly emotionally and physically debilitating disease. I would eat dust or howl at the moon or do anything to keep from getting it. 

I’m not going to go into alllllll the kazillion reasons why people should exercise. You’ve heard them all, you’ve read them all, your doctor has probably told you some. Just the other night on the national news they told us that obesity is a huge risk factor for cancer.

I’m a nurse. I’ve seen many people die from Cancer. I don’t want cancer.

The American College of Sports Medicine quotes from the Surgeon General’s Report, Physical Activity and Health

*Significant health benefits can be obtained by including a moderate amount of physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week

*Additional health benefits can be gained through greater amounts of physical activity. People who can maintain a regular regimen of activity that is of longer duration or of more vigorous intensity are likely to derive greater benefit.

In other words, some activity is better than none and more activity, up to a certain point, is better than less.

So, what does that translate to in the real world?

I do some form of aerobic exercise (walking, step class, dance class) Monday – Friday for 40-45 minutes. The first five is a warm up time where I’m walking or whatever at a slower place. The last five is a cool down, walking slower. During the 30 minutes that I’m working at an aerobic intensity my heart is pumping about 150 beats/minutes. I am in my “target heart rate zone”(THR). I use the Karvonen Method to calculate this heart rate. It is an easy formula that you can find on-line or – if you will determine your “resting heart rate for me “ that is, your heart rate on two separate mornings before you get out of bed  (if you have not done anything aerobic in bed! Ha!), I’ll calculate it for you. I’ll need your age also. Just email me at with that info and I’ll figure it out.

Afterwards I stretch all the major muscles of my lower body. I stretch my calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors and glutes. I hold each stretch for 5 slow breaths. For me, the stretching is a great reward. It’s meditative and I enjoy feeling all the wonderful endorphins rushing through my body.

Two things –

1 - Find something you like to do

2 - It is NEVER too late to become physically achieve health benefits

OK maybe three –

If you are not in your THR zone, you will be getting some physical activity and burning some calories but your heart and brain and endocrine system and all the other body parts won’t be getting the intended benefit of aerobic exercise. What does that mean? If you’re out walking your dog at a pace that doesn’t bring your heart rate up, you cannot count that as aerobic activity.

OK four –

If you are overweight you should increase your activity to 45 minutes of exercise per day to facilitate weight loss and prevent weight re-gain. :*(
The good news here is once the weight is off you can cut back if you’d like. :*)

If you already do aerobic exercise – congrats! If you don’t, please start. Set one goal (i.e. – 2 days a week), meet that goal. Set another goal…..etc.

Just because we’re almost geezers doesn’t mean that we can’t be strong, healthy and beautiful.

If you are not exercising, have hypertension, diabetes or any other significant health challenge, if you’re on medications that might affect your THR, etc. you should check with your doc to get the OK to begin.


Since we’re talking about hearts and we’re women –

According to Miriam Nelson in her Strong Women Strong Hearts book–

“Women appear more likely to die after a heart attack if they don’t show their anger, and instead react slowly to negative events, suppressing unpleasant emotions such as agitation during stressful times.”

“Isolation may be bad for women’s hearts as well. In primate research, being socially isolated and having limited freedom of movement was correlated with greater heart disease among females. And female monkeys housed alone have been found to suffer more extensive atherosclerosis than their counterparts housed in social groups”.

(Please note: I will hold off my anger right now about using our wonderful, hairy relatives for experimentation. I will hold off my anger even though it might lead to heart disease. But…..I’ll save that for another blog. I'm happy to report that we are making some progress in this area - it has been recommended that non-human primates not be used for experimentation - this is a recent development. We'll have to see what develops from the recent recommendation)

The take away from the above –

∆   Keep your hearts strong through good exercise

∆   Learn to work through your negative feelings in a healthy way

∆   Enjoy companionship and love in your life

How are you doing with these three important things fellow wild women?

Much love,
Donna Rae

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