Friday, March 9, 2012

Smile like you know a secret

         The Portable Personal Trainer - 100 Ways To Energize Your Workouts & Bring Out                              The Athlete In You                        
                                                                        by Eric Harr

This is one of my favorite little books. I'd like to share with you #95 -

95. Your First Thoughts and Actions Set the Tone for the Day ---- Make Them Good Ones

Sometimes the day gets away from us and we don't find time for our health or fitness. Most top athletes start the morning with "rituals" that prepare their bodies and minds for optimal functioning all day.

The mornings provide an ideal time to boost your physical health while taking a moment to mentally prepare a strong, enduring inner peace, all of which will lead to a more enjoyable and productive day My personal morning routine consists of water, breathing, sunlight, and "mental centering." Right when I wake up, I drink a tall glass of water, do a few deep belly breaths, and clear my mind of all negative feelings. Three minutes and I feel mentally and physically ready for a world-class day.

Action Item - Develope your own simple morning ritual. It doesn't need to be complex, In fact, it can be as short as thirty seconds. Just wake up with your morning routine and stick to it for two weeks. Your days may become much more productive from this one simple habit.

My morning ritual is similar to Eric's.

While my decaf coffee is brewing I go into my living room, light a candle (I get up before the sun), drink a full 8 oz. glass of delicious water and take some deep cleansing breaths. Sometimes I simply give thanks for another day and sometimes I set an intention.

After coffee, I begin a 30-60 minute yoga or qi gong session. I love this time of day before anyone else is stirring. The quality of the air and light before sunrise is special.


The Bug

Fitness Day #10

This Pilates strength training exercise is wonderful for posture. It strengthens the muscles between your shoulder blades. If this hurts your back or neck, don't do it. You don't need freeweights to do this exercise.

-Feet parallel. Fold forward until your back is straight (table top). Let your arms hang down toward the floor

-Turn your hands so that your knuckles face each other, open your elbows out to the sides

-Keep your head in line with your spine. Imagine resting your head on the wall in front of you

-Pull your shoulder blades slowly toward each other and lift your elbows up until they are aligned with your shoulders

-Slowly bring your fists back together

-Don't forget to breath

-Complete 6-8 reps

This is a Robber Fly. See how his arms are ? That is how your arms should be at the end of the move!! Ha~!!~
BTW- they often eat insects larger than they are


Here is one of my "qi cards" from my qi gong teachers training course. This one reads:

"We have a serious business about not being too serious."  Maharishi Yogi

On the back - "Smile like you know a secret. Smile so that it radiates from your eyes. Smiling is like the fragrance of a flower; it draws positive energy toward it. Cultivate lightness in your being and levity in your heart."

My daughter Em and her husband Jeremy - they're smiling down in Florida visiting Henry

And so is my sweet grandson Luke!


My sister, Ty, made this Get Well Card for me (with well wishes for a healing shoulder) out of a picture of me that is .........43 years old. HOLY SMOKES. 

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