Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meet Loretta!!

THIS IS LORETTA - She's been practicing yoga for 11 years!

I first met Loretta when she came to yoga, yo-pi-chi and Pilates classes I was teaching. She is strong, centered and as you can see in the photos, very capable. She is the type of student all teachers love to have in class because when something needs extended explanation, the Loretta-types serve as good models. 

Loretta inspires me so much as I approach 60.

She is 72 years old and practices yoga 5 times a week, Pilates about 3 times a week, enjoys walking (20-30 min) and dances twice a week. Loretta belongs to a dance group called The Ragtime Troupe. They perform at senior centers, nursing homes, and The Gallagher House, an organization for people with developmental disabilities.

When I asked Loretta the two words that describe how she feels at her age she said, confident and more relaxed.

She says yoga and Pilates are a necessary part of her life. she enjoys the benefits of letting go, balance and flexibility. Both disciplines have made a great difference in her life - she claims being aware of her posture redefines her body, reduces stress and gives her energy.

In addition to working full time for the European Space Agency at the Space Telescope Science Intitute, she teaches yoga and Pilates at The Halstead at Guilford to young and old. She says she enjoys encouraging everyone to do some gentle stretching, do some yoga and strengthen the core with Pilates. She loves ballroom dancing. 

She also has two miniature dachshunds.

We all have health challenges and Loretta is not exempt for that, she has osteoporosis. 

Osteoporosis can be a very debilitating condition. The less you do, the more advanced it can become.

Not Loretta. In addition to all  the great activities above, she recently starting weight training four times a week with a trainer.

Loretta is 72 years old, looks 50 and acts like a 21 year old. That's how I want to be when I'm 72.


I'm spending about 3 hours a day studying Qigong. 

I'd like to be certified to teach by the end of June.

Man, I don't know what I was thinking??????

The Yi Jing (Book of Changes) was written 1122 B.C. - it was probably the first Chinese book related to Qi (life force energy). 

I've got a heck of a lot of catching up to do!!! Yikes. 

This is Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, he wrote one of my books - The Root of Chinese Qigong

Here is Horse Stance. it is the most common stance used by Qigong practitioners. It is used to develop your root, center and balance, as well as strengthening the legs. 

Both legs share your weight equally. The width of your legs should be comfortable for you. The most important thing in Qigong is to find your center and feel relaxed. Your body must be relaxed for the qi to flow. 

In horse stance you are pressing downward toward the earth and pushing upward toward the heavens.

Grow an invisible root beneath your feet. Your mind (Yi) must communicate with the ground. 

I am not kidding - this really works.

Remember a trees root is very strong because it has many branches and spreads out far to the sides. You must do the same thing, spread your roots to the sides as well as downward. 

Once you have built your root, you can consider being centered and balanced. You can be centered physically and you can be centered mentally. When you are centered physically, a vertical line from your center of mass falls between your feet, so your root comfortably supports your weight. Being centered mentally is a matter of feeling. You are mentally centered, you can be physically balanced.


Time for me to rock out of this blog. I have promised myself to write only one hour a day and I have about 40 seconds left.

Let me know if you want to come over for Horse Stance and other QiGong. I think it might change your life. Well, at least you might feel stronger and look stronger - like Loretta.

This is horse stance - a very low one. Yikes!

Thanks Loretta. Namaste to you.

5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, .......


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